WOE to the Leaders Shepherds Prophets and Prophetess that are changing the TENET of Celestial Church of Christ says the Lord.

WOE to the Leaders Shepherds Prophets and Prophetess that are changing the TENET of Celestial Church of Christ says the Lord.

To give some background on the author, She has been a prophetess in the Celestial Church of Christ (CCC) for the last 30 years born and breathed in the Celestial fold all of which were at CCC International Headquarters in Makoko and Itire Parish, Isiba (May Papa SBJ Oshoffa and Papa Zannu blessed soul continue to rest in Peace. During this time, she has left Celestial Church for different other churches of which one is Christ Embassy and Redeem. She has also worshipped CAC, Deeper life, Baptist and her grandparents’ Catholic Church. She has had to witness many fake and counterfeit pastors, fake miracles, beliefs gathering while exploring all these churches.

The Doctrine or Tenet is a big issue in the celestial church of today, doctrine is obviously what comes with a new church just as the tenet of celestial church was given to Papa Oshoffa. God said Woe to those trying to change the tenet of Celestial church. Woe to the shepherd’s pastors’, prophets’ dreamers etc. Of many people, who make noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! (Isaiah 17:12).

The Lord asks, have you received a call? What does it mean to be “called into ministry” or “called unto God?” As Christians we are all called to Christ, to follow and obey Him. He made that clear when He said to His disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me (Luke 9:23).” The call to Jesus Himself is the ultimate call on our lives.

Hence, the concept of a divine call has sometimes been misunderstood within the Christian community. The opportunity of understanding, the call of God on a Christian’s life can at times be confused with personal dreams and ambitions. But, the purpose of a divine call or even a call to minister is not something we create, but something God places within us.

Every Celestial prophet, prophetess, shepherd, HOD and Sides men and women are now called by God to a specific purpose. If God has called you, it is a call to a vocational ministry that has unique demands, and it should not be pursued without prayer, counsel and spiritual examination.

Hear what God says!!! If you’ve truly received a divine call in the Celestial Church of Christ follow the above paragraph and allow the holy spirit to lead you. “ASK GOD” whether to remain under the tenet of Celestial Church or start you own ministry. If you are to start your ministry under the umbrella of Celestial church you obey the tenet of the church.

It was well known that smaller churches cannot survive split over tenet as they cannot afford to lose people. Papa Oshoffa was given a tenet with Celestial Church of Christ. If you are called by God under the umbrella of Celestial Church with a given ministry different from winning of souls to the kingdom of God but to change the doctrine of celestial church you go and standalone your ministry and not to introduce the change of tenet in Celestial church. An example of a standalone ministry is Pastor Oyedepo ministry.

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority” 1 Peter 2:13 “And not by way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.” Ephesians 6:6-7. “Because a double minded man, is unstable in all his way James 1:8.”

Going by the trend, the 21st Century or upgrading as some pastors, shepherds, prophets and men of God will call it, is a way of destruction. An example is the plaque going on (Coronavirus). Introducing a bible class is a good idea in the fold because the Bible produces sanity and stability of mind. It is very important to get the word of God into the mind before the time of pressure comes because it is unlikely that an unstable person will respond to the word of God. God deals with the pressure of life using preventative maintenance.

Those that has a call from God should understand and differentiate between the call to remain under the umbrella and tenet of celestial church or to stand alone under their own ministry. A good example of those that starts with celestial background worship to recruit a crowd before standing alone under a ministry is T B Joshua a well-known man when he first started from Ikotun (From person encounter).

In Christianity, ministry is an activity carried out by Christians to express or spread their faith, the prototype being the great commission. Some ministries are identified formally as such and some are not. Some ministries identified towards members of the church and some are non-members of the church so be guided. A church is defined as local assembly or group of believers totally different from a ministry 1 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Corithians1:1 and Galatians 1:1-2. A church is a universal group of people who have trusted Christ through the ages Mattew 16:18; Ephesians 5:23-27.

Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish prophets that follow own spirit and have seen nothing Ezekiel 13:3. Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! Saith the Lord.

God is telling me to tell you “Woe” to you teachers of the word, pastors, prophet, prophetess and leaders of celestial church misleading and sending confusing information to the old and new members of Celestial Church.