What you should note about the Journey Called Life and Walking with God

Walking with God is very important, through walking with him, he reveals his secret in surviving warfare and overcoming the challenges life brings. This we should teach and counsel our children and women, if you want a fulfilled life for your home and your children’s life. This is the time to start the foundation right from the day you get married and accepts to have children. Invite God to your home, walk with him and enjoy the benefit of walking with him in building your home because women are the builders of a home mostly when children are involved.  Romans 13:13-14,

Genesis 48:15-16, Then he blessed Joseph and said, “May the God before whom my father’s  Abraham and Isaac walked faithfully, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day, the Angel who has delivered me from all harm, may he bless these boys. May they be called by my name and the names of my father’s Abraham and Isaac, and may they increase greatly on the earth.”

Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges. Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don’t realise that at the time.

Along our journey we will be confronted with a lot of obstacles and hurdles that we will have to jump over and pass. What we go through in our life and how we react to these situations determines the outcomes of how the rest of our life will be. At times in our life things won’t go how we want it to go so we have two choices to either accept the fact that things didn’t go the way we want it to go and let it pass or we can learn the lessons being taught by our mistakes, we should just accept the fact that life is not permanent but temporary and we just have to live one day at a time.

A very small child doesn’t remember too much, but the things that they do remember were seen through their eyes that has made them the person that they will become of tomorrow. Childhood and adult life will always influence a child’s journey in life. Therefore, teach and counsel your children to walk with God with these three key qualities; humility, faithfulness, and loyalty.

Enoch learned to walk pleasingly before God in the midst of a wicked society. He was an ordinary man with all the same problems and burdens we carry, not a loner hidden away in a wilderness cave. He was involved in life with a wife, children, obligations and undertook all his responsibilities. He cared for his family: he worked, ministered and occupied; but he was not earthbound. None of the demands of this life could keep him from his walk with God. In his spirit, Enoch was not a part of this wicked world. Each day as he walked with the Lord, he became less attached to the things of the world Gen. 5:24.

He who comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him Hebrew 11:6. God is a remunerator, one who recompenses for faithfulness. The three important rewards that come by believing God and walking with him in faith are:

  1. The first reward is God’s control of our lives. The person who neglects the Lord soon spins out of control as the devil moves in and takes over. If only he would fall in love with Jesus, walking and talking with him!
  2. The second reward that comes by faith is having “pure light.” When we walk with the Lord, we are rewarded with light, direction, discernment, revelation—a certain “knowing” that God gives us.

iii. The third reward that comes with a walk of faith is protection from all our enemies. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper” (Is 54:17).

This journey called life is about conquering the treacherous track. It’s a lifelong journey of education, growth, and overcoming the many obstacles we are faced with. On this journey, we meet individuals from all walks of life who have found the secret to life and now wish to share it with us. Because it worked for them, they insist It will work for the rest of us. First and foremost, we must acknowledge life is difficult.

We think when we reach a certain level in society, our problems cease. These problems may stop only to open the door to more challenging ones. This journey involves taking risks – leaping into the unknown. There is something very scary about that. But if everything were certain, such a life would, sooner or later, bore us to death. This journey involves pain, for without pain, we do not question about life and all its meaning. We do not grow or mature. As Aristotle said: “a life unexamined is not worth living.” This journey involves discipline to become whom we are meant to be, It takes a bold act of courage to stand up for who we are and what we believe in. We have no choice but to take this journey. We are either growing or we are dying. We do not remain stagnant. For if we do not take this journey, our alternatives lie in loneliness and despair.

Therefore brethren, walking with God involves three things; First, that the prevailing power of hostility in a person’s heart has been taken away by the blessed Spirit of God. Secondly, that the person has been reconciled to God the Father. Thirdly, that the person has an abiding communion and fellowship with God. In Scripture is called “the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.” Finally, walking with God implies our making progress in the divine life, because walking with God requires a progressive motion and we should always maintain the following steps;

  1. Read the scripture – John 5:39, Psalm 1:2, 1 Timothy 4:13 and Ephesians 6:17
  2. Personal prayer – Ephesians 6:18 and Mathew 26:41
  • Meditation – Psalm 39:3
  1. Noting Gods Feeling -Mathew 10:29
  2. Seek the guidance of the holy spirit – Romance 8:14
  3. Obedience – Luke 1:6 and Psalm 122:1
  • Godly association – Psalm 16:3

We all know the benefits of walking each day. It strengthens your heart; lowers disease risk; keeps weight in check; can help prevent dementia; and osteoporosis, too; tones your legs, buns – and tum; boosts your vitamin D levels; gives you energy; It makes you happy.  However, walking with God is not about physical walking, but about a spiritual walk.  Walking with God each day has many more benefits than physical walking, and there are eternal benefits.  We all need to learn to walk with God and to practice it. “Walking with God” is a symbolic way of speaking about our relationship with God.

Thank you as you read and adherence to the word of God.