What is our Purpose on Earth?

Easter is celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ (What is our purpose on Earth?)

Our purpose on earth goes beyond to play the role of a doctor engineer, Lawyer, nurse, prime minister, president, accountant, father, mother, daughter, son, and a friend etc. What is our purpose on Earth?? I tell you our purpose on this earthly life is to serve God to know him. As you we all aware yearly and every season all the religions on earth worship, serve, sacrifice and honour one single God however, the channel or medium at which they do these varies as for the Christians, the acceptable way to God is through our Lord Jesus Christ and in every season we celebrates and mark his significant on earth. Starting from the period of his birth (Christmas), his life through to his death and the resurrection.

And to be thoroughly sincere God is the one serving us because, one of the primary reason of our coming to earth is that we might have joy, be happy love one and another and for us to experience all these  we have to live righteously, God is the one serving us because we pray to him for a divine grace, help to uphold his words and commandments. Can we not see that the God is the one serving us! Therefore, no man can go to the presence of God except through Jesus Christ Isiah 9:6. God want us to have a personal relationship with him as your father everyday of your life and our greatest and ultimate purpose in life is to build a relationship with God the father through Lord Jesus Christ .

1 John 3:1-3 for to get to know God, you must pray and the better you pray the more you know God. To love God you must suffer for him and to serve him you must be ready to act which means you must obey him at all times and in all things if you are sincere in accomplishing all these he will give you all his divine help to serve him better and more.

Our life has some meaning elsewhere, it is not about running for money, food and dying. The religion we practice Christianity, Islam, or traditional is not the way we perceive it. The journey is all yours in life impose your thoughts in you try to know God, it is not impossible you know about God through your religion hence, do you actually know him? Mind you there is a difference between knowing about God and Knowing God. The key things to note here is that God is love and whoever loves has the born of God and knows God 1 John 4: 7-21. The key important reasons to note in this message is our service to God; To serve God, to serve humanity, to serve and love your loved ones and lastly, To show, care and love ones.

Here is a message, Psalm 31 for who so ever is suffering from one disease, affliction or keen during this period of resurrection to pray.

Peace be upon you as you read and obey.