The Importance of Good Communication in order to Succeed

Whether you lead in the church, the workplace, the home or the government, you must you must take the time to communicate with people in order to succeed. One of the things virtually everyone wishes that they could have is to communicate better. Unfortunately, when those people become managers, they forget to communicate with those they manage.

When you are on top, always remember the issues that are important to those below you; why? Because no matter how great your vision may be, without the cooperation and commitment of those alongside you, your vision will never be fulfilled. Paul, who was great communicator, wrote, ‘Teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others’.

Believers should set an example when it comes to serving others and showing love. Jesus said ‘People will know you are my followers if you love each other John 13:35. When the children of Israelites broke the God’s covenant in the old testament by worshiping a golden calf, Moses pleaded with God not to give up on them. His argument was that; ‘How will anyone know that you look favorably on your people if you don’t go with us? For your presence among us set your people apart’

When Jesus told his disciples, ‘I will be with you always’ Matthew 28:20, He demonstrated His presence through the holy spirit who dwelt and empowered them. So much so that their enemies said they had turned the world upside down Act 17:6. But as pastor and prophet observes, ‘This does not give us ground for pride or boasting’. God’s presence is an expression of His grace, not our worthiness. In fact, our confidence in God’s presence gives us a strong conviction of our high calling to serve Him in every capacity of life. It gives us courage to live according to His kingdom, to serve others in His name. If God is with us on our side, what do we have to fear? So today, thank God for His presence in your life and never take it for granted.