This is a new year and i know that some churches with good management would have held a meeting(s) regarding their plan for the year.
But is GIVING (charity/helping) inclusive? Many celestians go to other churches because of the help they get there.
Do you know there is a big difference between NEED and WANT?
Need is what you require with urgency eg food. It is a primary thing.
While want is a wish and it is secondary. I think the church should increase their focus on helping the needy around them.
Act 4:33-37 talks about the church providing for people’s needs because of the love in the church. I believe any church where there is true love will always provide for people’s needs. And the bible says “they were all blessed”

2nd Corin 8:1-5 talks about the Macedonian Church
*Poverty unto death but they still helped
*They did it with joy
No matter how poor you are, there is someone poorer than you and another person poorer than that person, likewise the church. Generosity is a state of the mind, not the state of the pocket. You can be rich and be stingy and be poor and still be generous.

Luke 10:30-36 talks about an ordinary samaritan but he was extraordinary in his deeds. He wasn’t a levite nor a priest but still helped. At times, righteousness is not fund inside the church but outside
Verse 33 says “and he showed compassion… ” you don’t have to pass through what the person passed through before you help the person. Identify the person’s needs.
Compassion: awareness of the deep suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it.

Act 9:36-42 talks about Dorcas. The bible says “she was full of good works… “. That means it was her nature. We should making giving our nature in and outside the church. She did it regularly. Don’t expect reward from those you help.

When helping those in need, don’t complicate their case. Give them what is good, be it food or wares. Don’t give spoilt or expired things.

Dorcas helped with her gift. Youths can help younger ones with free tutorials, instrumentalists can teach others for free, you can sew garments for the needy for free and many more charity works.

You can motivate people in church. Don’t wait for seminars, get to know what they are doing and motivate them. A word of advice will go a long way

We have those with torn garments despite many sewing garments every month. You can help them by sowing seeds into their lives. Get sandals for the less privileged.

Try to bless someone on a sunday or when you go to church.
When you do all these, do it with love or it won’t be regarded by God (1st corin 13:3)

Here are some attitudes that hinders people from giving the needy

-Pride: Some poor people are full of pride. You assume they have a lot and they have nothing
-Gratitude: some people have blocked open doors with their lack of appreciation
-Laziness: bible says lazy people should not eat. Some people prefer to be idle and stay begging
-Greed : this is much, especially during ipese. They can exploit someone dry.
-False pretence.
God bless you for reading.Long live CCC.

Written by: Leke Olulana