Overcoming Life Challenges…

Overcoming Life Challenges 

Life is full of problems. Whatever kind of problem or situation we face, problems give us the chance to learn and grow both physically and mentally. Life is a journey with many challenges to overcome, many experiences are to learn, and many are to explore. The journey of life allows us to grow, become wiser, and view life from a different perspective. Also, an attitude of other people may make life challenges difficult to overcome. Life is about courage and going into the unknown that comes with challenges and pushing you out of you conform zone.

It takes a whole lot of courage to deal with problems and issues in life. Given that, issues are common crises that happens to normal people living normal life. Examples are: Financial problems, managing one’s relationships to be healthy and functioning, grieve, debt, depression, health condition, self-esteem loss of loved one or job, single parent household and education disparity.

The strategies for overcoming life challenges;

  • See it as reality don’t give up
  • No matter how painful your crises are, be close to your feelings
  • Take your time and go back to your root
  • Accept failure and success as part of life’s journey, don’t overthink or over work yourself.
  • Always embrace your current situation rather than how you wish your life to be.
  • Lean towards to your family and friends
  • Meditate on God and the right thing

Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Jesus makes it very clear that in this world we will face difficulties.

It is good to make church prayer request, however, learn to pray yourself and believe in your own soul, if you have sinned, talk to God about it you don’t have to tell anyone about your sin and when talking to God you don’t have to scream or shout for God to hear your thoughts.

Some hated poverty growing up and still hated it today because of what it does to people’s lives. Poverty makes people turn to drugs and sexual activity to fill the holes in their life. One thing to note and believe is that the faith in God and your relationship with him will give you the strength and the ability to overcome obstacles. Find Godly men and women to influence your life, keep your eyes on God and understands that he’s your source. Cultivate the habit of reading your bible and spending time in prayers and witness your strength overcome the issues in your life. Your involvement in church is a greater part in your ability to face the challenges of life.

It is in God’s word that you find comfort in times of sorrow and encouragement when you want to give up.  there will be promises when you believe with all your heart, and you will be free from strong feelings of fear and unhappiness. I will never forget your commandments, for by them you give me life”

Psalm 119-93.

Therefore, you need to have faith in the Lord, choose to believe, regardless of how you feel or how difficult the situations seem, the result is peace and hope instead of distress and despair. Be bold and listen to the word of the cross! The Good News is that there is a cure. The cure is Christ. The cure is administered faith. The Church is a “hospital” for sinners: (Mk 2:17) When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”