In recent years, I have seen people yearn for a blissful marriage rather than an elaborate wedding. And to be candid, marriage is sweet when expectations are met. Those who are getting old are now putting the blame on some evil forces for being responsible for their marriage delay.
I have come to realize that one of the paramount things that sustains marriages isn’t money. Did you just raise an eyebrow? Just keep calm and read on. Though, our modern day is painting the world in its own colour. If truly money sustains marriages, then our rich men and celebrities shouldn’t have broken homes. Every Christian reading this post might be having the “Jesus “factor in mind as the one that sustains marriage, but can we just lay aside that factor?
Haven’t you seen those couples in the early 60’s to 80’s who lived happily together and raised good children despite them not having much (those children born within the 60’s and 80’s is ruling the world today). Have you ever had a thought about what might have sustained their marriage? I think love, endurance and understanding did sustain their marriages.
Despite their blissful marriages, they all suffered something which led many to polygamy. This thing they all suffered caused an increase in mortality. As Africans, this same things was seen as the responsibility of an evil power. They see themselves being attacked by in-laws who never wanted them together, witches who might be anywhere or those who never wished them well.
Enough of this African mentality! Do you know this thing that broke many a marriage is still existing today? It is called SICKLE CELL. Many fall in love with each other and jump into marriage without knowing their genotype or blood group ( know your status).
Of recent, I went to the hospital to check a friend who had an accident, and close to him, I saw a guy on a sick bed, he looked like someone infected with AIDS but on enquiring from him, he told me with difficulty that he was a sickle cell patient. I almost burst into tears when he told me. He looked wrinkled and I could feel his pain while I looked into his eyes. May God save his soul. I have seen a couple whose three male children out of six died of sickle cell while the other three female children which are not affected by sickle cell are alive today.
Sickle cell is a deadly disease that is caused by a blood disorder. Here are some symptoms
1. Fatigue and anemia
2. Pain crises
3. Dactylitis (swelling and inflammation of the hands and/or feet) and arthritis
4. Bacterial infections
5. Sudden pooling of blood in the spleen and liver congestion
6. Lung and heart injury
7. Leg ulcers
8. Aseptic necrosis and bone infarcts (death of portions of bone)
9. Eye damage
Apart from the fact that their highest life expectancy is around 45 which many don’t live long to that despite the care, the pain and and sight to behold is unbearable. I beseech you, before you go deep into that relationship, go to meet a doctor for counseling and know your genotype including your partner’s own, maybe you are AA, AS, or SS.
I stand today to write this to let everyone know, reduce mortality, reduce number of broken homes and stop the African mentality behind mortality and broken homes.

Written by: Leke Olulana