How fundamental is prayer regarding all religions?

Praying to God is part of all religious practice. It is a kind of ‘auto-suggestion’ and builds courage in us to go through all ordeals in life without giving up. It is a sort of spiritual force that purifies our inner self, thus preparing us to receive our blessings, which are bound to come – a faith healing. Life is built on hopes and aspirations. Thinking of a Supreme Power beyond all human inadequacies elevates our mind, gives strength and peace. Scriptures personify the Almighty as an ever-watching father, who will come to help his children at the time of distress.

Prayer should spring from the heart. It should be made into a habit. It gives audience to our thoughts and we are linked with the Super Intellect. The fear of death and disease will not haunt us. A philosophic approach towards life will cultivate through prayer. A God-fearing person will never become sinful or violent. He will thank God through prayer for all his blessings. Prayer works wonders. Faith-healing has cured many patients miraculously. With prayers, we get the power within us to make our world, our environment, just what we want it to be.

The Christian religion, like all other religions has its strengths and weaknesses in our modern society. In its essence religion is a set of beliefs, traditions, and practices that define the way in which people worship GOD. Its purpose is to create an individual connection with oneself and with GOD. Religion, when kept pure, has done remarkable things for mankind. But when it becomes corrupt, it is responsible for incredible suffering.

If you have one man with a spiritual idea, EXCELLENT!! If you have two men with the same spiritual idea, you have a committee. If you have a committee, you have politics.” That is the path leading to corruption which almost all religions have stumbled down. In most cases, a religion arises from a good set of beliefs and teachings.

People with similar beliefs and views become attracted and begin studying the teachings and practicing the religion. As the number of people grows, there is a need for organisation. As soon as there is organisation, money and power become involved. At this point, unscrupulous and power-hungry individuals take control of the organisation through manipulation and greed. They regulate the teachings to fit their perspective and greed, and consequently, the religion becomes corrupted.

The prayer that we pray should be the one that comes straight from our hearts. Prayer shouldn’t be a job or a planned-out speech. The prayer that God tells us we should pray is the Lord’s prayer. “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done as earth as it is in heaven…” this prayer summarises the main things that we should pray for, like telling God he is awesome, asking to provide, to forgive sins, and to prevent you from sinning, and that you will love God for ever and ever.

God doesn’t look at how good a prayer is, he doesn’t judge by quantity either. A short prayer can be just as, if not, more meaningful than a larger one. God looks at the thought and meaning of the prayer. A prayer that comes straight from the heart is what God appreciates.

We need to look at prayer with deeper thoughts. Prayer isn’t just closing your eyes, folding your hands and speaking. Prayer is a much more meaningful part of all religions. We all need to pray, God himself demands us to pray. Prayer is defined as an act of God, a God or another object of worship, such as in devotion, confession, praise, or thanksgiving. Saying the same prayer isn’t really such a bad thing, it’s more about the meaning and the time that you spend praying. Prayer shouldn’t just be looked at as a routine or habit, but as more of a love poem to express one’s self to God.

May Almighty God bless our nation and make it through to the ideas of freedom, justice and brotherhood for all who make it great. Guard us from war, Xenophobia, fire and wind, from compromise, fear and confusion. Be close to our president, prime minister and our statesmen. Give them vision and courage, as they ponder decisions affecting peace and the future of the world. Make our great land and all its people clearly know your will, that they may fulfill the destiny ordained for us in the salvation of the nations and the restoring of all things we pray GOD.  Amen.