God is Angry

God Is Angry: Form of Extremism Sees the Existence of you Celebrating your Culture and Faiths as a Challenge (Sunday Igboho S. A Vs Ooni of Ife Oba A. E. Ogunwusi 2021).

A culture is the characteristics of a group of people that are defined by everything such as language, religion, lifestyle, beliefs etc. Cultural heritage is the identity of a group of people living with their own specific sketch of life, what the culture says they follow that. Culture is a complex idea! Your beliefs, behaviour, customs, and values are all your culture (example Sunday Igboho vs. the fulani’s). Therefore, we need to protect our culture and identity. We need to protect and preserve our heritage. In terms of conflicts, cultural identity and cultural heritage become important. Your culture can become a target of violent and oppressive actions that seeks to destroy your symbols valued by enemies.

Presently, Yoruba’s cultural heritage has been contaminated by the political stakeholders, which justifies the passing of abusive and derogatory words on Yoruba Oba’s. When the selecting and installing Yoruba Oba’s, the stakeholders are now more interested in superiority, fame, stomach infrastructure and not by the “Cultural Tradition”. The wrath of such behavior is what we are seeing which is the ridiculing of the Oba’s as an ordinary individual person not worthy of the throne or not  preserving the culture, but of those that appointed them to the throne. ‘THE CURRENT RULING YORUBA OBA’s ARE NOT WORTHY OF THE THRONE EXCEPT FOR FEW’ gradually they are facing the wrath of God as it was written in the Bible: Love thy neighbour as your self because if you love your neighbour you wouldn’t hijack what does not belong to you, you wouldn’t conspire leaving your people to die in the hand of enemies and you wouldn’t lead your people to suffer for your own selfish interest.

Yoruba culture requires you to respect your elders, fine! But in a situation where the elders are not respecting what people stands for (Culture, heritage and beliefs) what do you expect? They drag them in the mud (Sunday Igbo Vs Ooni of Ife, 2021). A good example is the case of prescribing a patient with an antibiotic and he was advised not to take grapefruits (grapefruits negatively interacts with various Antibiotics) until he completes the course of antibiotics. For your understanding and information, a severe toxic effect of an interaction can lead to hospitalisation and even death. The consequences of the new generation of Yoruba’s Oba not preserving or following the tradition is the toxicity you are experiencing in the Yoruba land of today and if care is not taken the Yoruba land will be weakened and their traditional cultural heritage will be silenced. (UK is a Christian country, hence, preserve and protect their cultural tradition).

Sunday Igboho Vs Ooni of Ife, (2021) highlighted, the strong passion, values and the beliefs attached to Chief Igboho in defending his cultural heritage. Chief Igboho does not want the Yoruba cultural heritage to fall apart into the hands of Fulani’s reasons for his action. He feels that if care is not taking the Fulani’s will use the Yoruba as their shield for committing dangerous activities knowing the Yoruba Oba’s will not want to risk damaging their position and wealth. When there is a minor damage to the cultural heritage, an attempt should be made to sensitively restore, Sunday Igboho Vs. Ooni of Ife (2021) publicly cleared the air was a good example. However, a destruction to a cultural heritage Sunday Ighoho Vs Fulani (2021), is a difficult one as all you can do as a Yoruba is create a replica either actually or virtually, to offer a sense of what has come before or probably the political stakeholder create a new culture meanwhile, the structure over hundreds or thousands of years observed by passing generations and civilisations would have been destroyed. A great expert like Sunday Igboho should be allowed when it comes to preserving the Yoruba cultural heritage because his physical presence speaks volume, and he is able to identify and work at local levels. He has got the active potential of preserving the Yoruba culture in Nigeria by regularly surveying and monitoring the Fulani’s bandits, rapists, killers, and kidnappers in Yoruba land.

Although the writer is a mixed breed, her grandmother was a Fulani hence this conflict still impact the writer greatly.


Tyty 2021