The product of modern religion does not reference God’s ire (wrath) any more than what human or pastors’ anger is, is what modern Christians and believers believe in. “wrath of God” should fills us like dread. People feels that the wrath of God is so terrifying that the idea of living any sort of Christian life at all is as terrifying as the wrath they fear. It is important to note that from beginning the anger of God is identical with the love of God. Christians of today mostly associate God’s anger to the theories of salvation. People have betrayed discomfort or embarrassment of any G. O’s, pastors, prophets’ men, and women of God with images of an angry God, an example is the case of the Genesis Global shepherd (Prophet Wasiu Oladele Ogundipe). People fail to differentiate the wrath of God from human anger and law of Kamer. God is simple, God’s love is God’s anger, Divine anger differs from human anger. Human anger affects the person who is angry, and the anger raises the persons blood pressure, heart rate whilst divine anger transforms the object of God’s anger (Grant, 2010). Three things to show God’s angriness and war; firstly, during the ERA of Noah (Oak of Noah) secondly, knowledge to human being in manufacturing weapons (Guns, bomb etc.) and lastly disease.

Let us know who God is before we try to find HIM. The best way to know God is to first know our real self, thereby creating capabilities in us to realise the essence of God. Next, we must draw our attention towards God through prayer, meditation and constant remembrance. Having drawn attention towards God, it is not enough unless we adopt those virtues that bring us close to God. To seek God is to feel HIS essence at every instance of life as our philosopher, friend and companion. This close connection with God brings a different perspective and meaning to life. Life becomes enriched with calmness, peace and eternal bliss. The search of God is in essence a re-discovery of own self. God means many different things to many different people. There are a lot of people who believe that there is no such thing as a God. There are people who believe that there is no God because no one has ever seen Him.

I personally believe that there is a God because of my faith. I have faith in God, and I feel that God is real. I have many reasons why I believe in God and who God is to me. But I have three reasons that stand out for me about who God is to me.  Sometimes I feel that God has let me down or that He did not answer my prayers in times that I most needed Him. But I must realise that everything that God does is for a reason. God has taken a few friends of mine from this Earth at a very young age. I have prayed to God and asked Him why? But I have never seemed to fully understand why. I have concluded that God works in mysterious ways. I do not think that anyone can fully understand why God does what He does. God is the longest lasting friend I have ever had in my life. He was there for me before I was born, and He will be there for me after I leave this Earth. God is the best listener also. I can talk to God anywhere at any time. Every time I want to talk to Him or ask Him a question, He is there for me. Most of my other friends are at least a phone call away, but not God. He has always been there in time of need, even though sometimes I feel like He is not. Even when I do something wrong, He is there to forgive me and set me straight.

Could it be that God is using the Covid-19 virus and the following crisis to punish people and bring them to repentance? The quite clear answer is ‘Yes’. Change your bad ways before God!

References:  Grant, D., ‘Brief Discussion of the Difference between Human and Divine חםה’ in Biblica, Vol. 91, No. 3 (2010), pp. 418-424

Tyty 2021