Christianity Islam Traditional Cultural and Nature based religions – All Serve one GOD…

Christianity Islam Traditional Cultural and Nature based religions – All Serve one GOD…

What we call religious experience can differ greatly. Some reports exist of supernatural happenings that it would be difficult to explain from a rational, scientific point of view. On the other hand, there also exist the sorts of testimonies that simply seem to convey a feeling or a piece of oneness- something which most of us, religious or not, may possibly relate to.

All of the religions have some concept of God various religions, what God is like, there are many different descriptions. Within the different religions God has been pictured as a male or female human being, as various kinds of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and insects, as a being with a human body and the head of an animal, as a tree or a plant, as lightning and thunder, as the sun, moon, or stars, and in many other ways.

There are also a billion or some people who don’t belong to any religion, probably because they follow their own personal spiritual beliefs. God talk to all those prophets and write all those books for all those religions?” (Bible, Qur’an etc.) Yes, God has spoken to many prophets, priests, and ordinary people over the ages. Some of them have written down what God said to them, and those books have become the sacred texts of the various religions.

No matter what religion we look at, the people who believe in it think they are the ones who have the truth about God and that all the other religions are a little bit off or a lot off which was wrong. All the people who condemns other people’s religion, is not a believer. What God is requesting of us is LOVE. God is not concerned about which religion is better than other religions. God is concerned with how well each religion brings its people closer HIM, and how well each religion moves its believers to love and serve their fellow human beings. Each religion is best for the people who believe in it.

For Christians, this means believing in Jesus Christ and living according to his teachings in the Gospels. For Jews it means believing in God and living according to the Torah. For Muslims it means believing in Allah and living according to the Qur’an. Those who believe in God, and live a good life according to their beliefs, are showing their faith in God by their actions. And even those who say they don’t believe in God but live a good life according to their conscience are following God’s law.

Old Testament and the New Testament commands Christians to love God, love the neighbour, and obey God’s commandments if we wish to be saved 1 John 4: “Love one another” The Truth and obedience. God the Father commanded that His children walk in truth (2 John: 4). When you know the truth, obedience comes naturally. Revelation 1:8 I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” God wants us to be charitable 2 Cor. 9:6 He who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he that sows in blessings shall also reap in blessings. “Give alms from your possessions. Do not turn your face away from any of the poor, and God’s face will not be turned away from you. The scriptures tell us the importance of fasting, fasting is a form of worship: “Then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying” (Luke 2:37). Psalm 35:13-14 also tells us about fasting for humility and prayers.

Similarly, are the Five pillars of Islam the frameworks of a Muslim’s life. Revealed to the prophet Muhammad by Allah, the Five Pillars are the basis of Islamic religion: bearing witness to Allah, establishing prayers, giving alms, fasting during Ramadan, and making a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Five Pillars are the major duties in the life of a Muslim. Shahadah is the first of the Five Pillars in Islam. More specifically, Shahadah is a declaration of faith. Included in this manifesto, a Muslim proclaims that Allah is the only God and Muhammad is His messenger. The practice of performing charitable acts is another pillar of Islam. Zakat, a tax, is a required expenditure for Muslims each year. The word Zakat means both purification and growth.Observation of the fast of the holy month of Ramadan is another pillar of Islam. During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, and marital intercourse during daylight hours. “This teaches the believers patience and self- control, as well as reminding them of their responsibility for the millions of human beings in the world The last pillar of Islam is the pilgrimage to Mecca. According to Muslim tradition, “Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah is an obligation only for those who are physically and financially able to perform it

And no matter how many different ways we may hear God’s voice, it is the same message being given through all the religions of the earth: Love God and love your fellow human beings. Live by the truth, live with compassion. Do not do what is evil and say what is false but follow God’s commandments and engage in good deeds of useful service for others. Love and truth. John loves those who know the truth, because the truth “abides” in them (2 John:1–2). When two parties know the truth, love comes naturally. God is love and He loves us. We know that in our minds, but often we don’t live that way.

We learn that…

God’s one

God’s Love

God’s love is steadfast and unchanging

God’s love comforts us

God’s love is revealed to us through Jesus Christ

God’s love is poured into us through the Holy Spirit

God’s love compels us to love one another

The facts of God existence are everywhere and in everything, with some of the facts and data we discuss from a world wide spread of facts of religious experience should help a non-believer question his/her way of thinking.