The Church is the entire worldwide body of Christian Believers. A church (small “c”) is a building where Christians meet to worship.

Christian ministry is any activity by an individual Christian that furthers the work and purpose of Jesus Christ; Samuel 18:18, 1 Kings 3:7, Isaiah 6:5, Jeremiah 1:6, 1 Samuel 3:10, Isaiah 6:8.

Church is a biblical word for “assembly.” (Acts 19:30-41), (Acts 7:38), (Ephesians 1:22; Ephesians 5:25, 32), (1 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Galatians 1:1-2). and (1 Corinthians 15:9; Galatians 1:13).

In other words, a Church is a house of many ministries and not just that of teaching. Ministry is what you give birth to when you discover your purpose in life and make a decision to conquer the challenge in the way of fulfillment.

Day by day, as we grow older, religion continues to grow bigger. We see men and women going into the ministry every second claiming to be called by God. Who will stand to oppose anyone? No one, since no call is a conference call. A call is between God and man while leadership is between man and man, we all choose who to follow.

Since many men in the ministry wants to stand and remain standing, while many wants be rich and famous and also many wants to remain among the few that leads and not be among the led, we have heard a lot about spiritual attacks in the ministry. And the truth is that, it can’t stop. Ministers continue to die untimely, and they never stop fortifying themselves either by God or the devil.

But do you know that more than 40% of them didn’t die of spiritual attacks? Most of them are dying ultimately due to deteriorated health.

Many go on a long fast forgetting that their health isn’t permitting them. They all want spiritual elevation forgetting there are many ways to kill a bird. They forget that there are many ways a man can walk with God.

Many work and don’t rest. Ministrations and vigils are held all the time. If you die today, Church continues, people will still pay tithe, people will still leave your church, and some will still join your Church.

All ministers need a lot of rest. They need to go to parks, go on holidays, travel to places, go to cinemas, free your mind, free your brain and find time to laugh. God wants you to serve Him for a longer period, don’t cut it short. Don’t take your health beyond the elastic limit.

Grace differs, anointing differs, ministry also differs, our health differs from each other. Save yourself, your spouse, children and family.

High blood pressure is real

Cancer is real

Heart attack is real

Hypertension is real

Stroke is real

Diabetes is real etc.

When last did you go for medical check-up? Do you know edibles you need to abstain from?

Know your status, keep in touch with your doctor, know your do’s and don’ts and always find time to rest.


Written by: Leke Olulana
