A Call to Repentance; The Plaque called COVID-19 (To the pastors, Clergyman, leaders, and believers of God)

The LORD says, “Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Don’t tear your clothing in your grief but tear your hearts instead.” Return to the LORD your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish. Who knows? Perhaps he will give you a reprieve, sending you a blessing instead of this curse. Perhaps you will be able to offer grain and wine to the LORD your God as before.
Hear this, you leaders of the people. Listen, all who live in the land. In all your history, has anything like COVID-19 happened before? Tell your children about it in the years to come, and let your children tell their children. Pass the story down from generation to generation. The day of the LORD is near, the day when destruction comes from the Almighty. How terrible that day will be. Our food disappears before our very eyes. No joyful celebrations are held in the house of our God. The seeds die in the parched ground, and the grain crops fail. (Joel 1: 2: 3)

As human beings, we tend to suffer due to various reasons which includes physical sickness, rejection, war, loneliness, famine, disease, natural disasters, mental pressure, poverty e.t.c. Suffering occurs to everyone that is, white and black, poor, rich, educated and the ignorant though the problems vary. I usually do not understand the reasons why people must suffer. I also cannot understand why man has not been in a position to eradicate human suffering despite his sophisticated skill, spiritual power and knowledge. Pain and suffering shows that all is not alright and there is no way that we can be completely free from pain. Many people tend to hate God and deny His existence and others views the religion as evil. From the biblical perspective, human beings suffer because God respects them and therefore, he lets their actions to have consequences that are real. He thus gives them the authority to control their own destiny. Human beings therefore have real choice and these choices have effects which are big. It is pain and suffering that makes us wonder God’s presence. By sinning, we cause suffering. Good thoughts enable us to have good morals and deeds. Our hearts attitudes determine whether we do good or evil. The effects arising from our sins may be felt immediately or at a much later period in our lives. Some of the damages caused by sins are irreparable examples; by killing someone; we cannot be able to bring him or her back.

The bible offers a wide range of responses with regards to the problem of human suffering. There has been much suffering today than any other time since the creation of the earth. The bible contains some words that are essential in our understanding the problem of human suffering. The bible goes ahead to explain that human suffering is not consistent with God’s love and mercies. Individuals such as David, Adam, Saul, Cain, Eve among others suffered as a result of their own transgressions because God had directed them of what needs to be done and what one needs to avoid doing.This is the trend in the world today. Those who take alcohol are exposed to problems as far as proper functioning of the brain in old age is concerned. They are also victims of such other problems as liver cirrhosis. They thus expect difficulties because of taking materials that are poisonous intoxicants. Similarly, that person who smokes cigarettes expects problems such as lung cancer, emphysema among other lungs related problems. People who drive at high speeds can expect accidents and death. One who commits adultery expects such consequences as disappointment and psychological damage.

Thus, we cannot be angry with God If we get involved in activities that abuses us. My personal biblical understanding of the bible is that man’s existence is characterized by both suffering and life praise. Suffering is thus a part of mixture in human life which facilitates the enhancement of greatness. This is well explained in the case of Job whereby, he went through much suffering and despair. He lost everything ranging from children to livestock. Even his three friends failed to sympathize with him. In the end, Solomon’s life glory was restored, and he was blessed more than before. Jesus’ teaching while He was on earth was that anyone who wants to become His follower must carry his own cross. Faith in God is strengthened once we overcome suffering. Job’s faith in God was renewed after he was relieved of his suffering.
Thousands have died in the last four months as a result of COVID-19, hundreds of thousands as a result of the Corona Virus, and millions have lost their livelihood. God knows about this great destroying COVID-19 against you. God will provide all the food we want, and we will praise him.